Clarity. That magic word. Something that many of us spend years waiting for.
“If only I knew what I was meant to do with my life”.
We wait, and wait, and wait before taking any action because we want to be:
a) Clear on how we can help the world
b) Clear on who we want to help
c) Clear on how to get our message across
d) Clear on how to make money whilst doing it
And yes that makes total sense. It’s scary to take a leap into the unknown, when you can’t see the path ahead. But here’s a little hint:
Clarity comes as a RESULT of action, not before it
So what kind of action steps can you take to get that clarity? Here are some suggestions…
-Find your flow. Ever find yourself so absorbed in something that you don’t notice time passing? Are there activities that come easily and naturally to you, whilst other people struggle with them? Which topics could you talk about for hours on end? Follow these clues. They will lead to your strengths, which you can base your business idea around.
-Identify your dream clients. Often this is actually someone you were in the past. Think back to the situations you have overcome to be where you are now. How could you help someone to get there too? These people need your help, they’re just waiting for you to get your business together!
-Just get started. There will never be a ‘right’ time. If I had waited until I had lots of free time, felt 100% confident, and had thousands of pounds of savings in the bank, then I would still be stuck in my 9 to 5 job. Start before you’re ‘ready’.
You can be where you want to be.
You just have to start with one small step.
Talk to you soon,
Juliette xx