"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage"
-Anais Nin
Staying stuck isn’t much fun is it?
It uses up energy and holds us back from amazing opportunities. So why do we sometimes find it so hard to make a decision? Well I’ll tell you what I think. I think we often know exactly what we want to do, but we hold back for the following 3 reasons:
1. You don’t have confidence in yourself
Maybe you want to start a business, but have a nagging doubt that you won’t have anything to offer that people will be willing to pay for.
But you have to be willing to believe that you are worth it, and that the services and products you create will be valuable and make a difference in people’s lives. You have to start believing in yourself, and be willing to take a risk on you.
When I signed up for my coaching training programme, I had those exact same fears. I had no idea if I would be any good as a coach. I kept thinking that the big investment was my main barrier, but in fact it was my confidence in myself.
It all boiled down to this; was I willing to continue living the way I was for another year? Or 10 years?
I knew what the answer was. So I looked at my coach, saw what incredible success she had achieved, took a leap of faith and booked with her.
2. You’re worried about what other people think
When I started my business, there was a lot of (well meaning) concern from friends and family and a few “aren’t you brave?” comments. But to me it wasn’t about bravery. I had reached the point of no return and I absolutely had to do something to change my life.
Also, my transition was far more gradual and less 'risky' than they realised. I did all these things whilst still in my 9 to 5:
Experimented with different ideas and business models
Built my website
Re-structured my week to give me more time and energy to devote to building the business
Built up some savings
Got support from a coach who had been there and done it, and gave me the self-belief that if she could do it, so could I
3. You’re not willing to fight for what you want
Sorry guys, but this is the tough love talking:
Are you ok with letting fear rule your life?
Are you ok with settling for less than you deserve?
I’m here to tell you that it’s ok to want more, and it is possible for you to have more. Your life might be ‘good enough’ right now, but it doesn’t have to always be just ‘good enough’. It can be amazing and it’s ok to want that, and to want to take back control of your time and your choices.
So if you’re still holding back because things ‘aren’t that bad’ or ‘it’s not the right time’, then I put it to you that actually you don’t want this badly enough.
I work with people who are hungry to make a change and create a brand new business that gives them freedom and fulfilment. They are tired of ‘getting by’ and telling themselves that ‘one day’ things will get better. They want to make it happen right now.
If you really do feel that now is not the right time, then make peace with your situation as it is, and don’t have any regrets.
But if you feel a burning desire to stop fear holding you back and finally do something to change your life, then one of my Career Coaching Programmes could be for you.
So are you willing to take action and finally make this happen? How much do you want this? Get in touch and let’s get started!
I’m SO excited to begin this journey with you.
Juliette xx