I just love hearing from my former clients about how they’re getting on, and the lovely Ali Haggett is no exception! She’s made some incredible changes since we began working together and it’s been such a privilege to be part of her journey.
When we first met, she felt that her career wasn’t a good fit anymore and was struggling under a heavy workload. She also felt that there was “something more profound going wrong and I had started to feel unhappy”. But the big question was WHAT exactly was it that was making her unhappy? It was hard for her to see the wood for the trees at that point.
Slowly but surely, we started to focus on what her true values were and what she really wanted out of life: “My favourite part of coaching was identifying my values and purpose. I hadn’t even thought about those! I assumed they were implicit in everything I did, but had never really identified what they were. I’d focused on my skills and because they fitted, I’d wrongly assumed that the job I was in should be the right one for me.”
It took some time, but gradually Ali’s confidence grew and grew. She started making small changes, then bigger ones, and eventually made the brave decision to leave her full time job and create a new portfolio career which matched her values and gave her a sense of true purpose:
“I’m pursing a range of different projects, some freelance, and some in the third sector. I know it was the right thing to do. It took me a year but the seeds planted during coaching grew stronger and stronger - the coaching process (I called it a ‘magic process’!) was instrumental in giving me the confidence to turn down a promotion and leave a secure career to find something that fed my soul.”
It wasn’t a straight road for Ali. There were many twists and turns, and personal upheavals along the way, but she kept listening to herself and what her soul was telling her deep down. And she didn’t let fear stand in the way. She chose to step through it instead.
If you want to hear more from Ali, then go and check out her funny, moving and insightful new blog which chronicles her transition from Academia into her exciting new portfolio career here and find her on Twitter here.
Another week. Another amazing transformation. Now what about you? Feeling inspired by Ali’s story? Ready to escape from a soul crushing career and discover a new path which gives you a sense of fulfilment and purpose? It all starts with an introductory 15min career breakthrough call. Learn more here.