The end of this year hasn't been what I expected.
We had a recent loss in our extended family which has left me feeling sad of course, but also reflective and asking some big questions.
Usually this is the time of year which, as a business owner, you start setting big goals for the year ahead.
How much do you want to earn? How many clients do you need each month? What will your marketing strategy be?
And yet I don't feel motivated by any of these things right now.
Of course these things are still important because running a business does take planning and preparation, but I'm much more preoccupied by what my WHOLE life will look like next year. How can I make the most of my time? Who will I spend it with? How can I support my body and mind to stay healthy and happy?
It's funny that these are the questions my clients have been asking themselves too. They also want to figure out how to maintain a balance and not let work crowd out their personal lives. And also how to set clear boundaries with family, friends and colleagues so that they can carve out more time for themselves and do the things they enjoy.
We've all been through a lot during the past couple of years, and possibly have come through it asking more questions about what we really want from our lives and careers.
If that sounds like you, here are a little exercise called 'Stop, Start, Continue' to help you figure out your 2022 plans:
Think back to 12 months ago…
What were you doing? What was happening in your life? Where were you working? Where were you living? How were you feeling? What were your hopes and plans for the next 12 months?
Now consider what hasn’t gone so well in your life and career? What will you stop doing?
What do you want to start doing for yourself and your career during the next 12 months? What have you been putting off?
And lastly, what has gone well in your life and career during that time? What are you proud of, and what will you continue doing in the future?
Hope you find this helpful. I'd love to hear how you got on.
Have a wonderful, restful Christmas and New Year and I'll see you on the other side.
Juliette xx