Sorting out your mindset is just as important as finding the right career.
In fact, do you spend as much time working on your mindset as you do looking for a new job or business idea?
If not, I would highly recommend that you do.
Because feeling strong and confident in your mindset can make all the difference between you actually going after your career dreams or just putting them off for another day. And another. And another.
Fear can really hold us back. It might manifest itself as not feeling good enough, or continually comparing yourself to others, or feeling like an 'imposter' and that you're going to be found out.
I can totally relate because I went through all of those feelings during my career change. One in particular was 'imposter syndrome' and thinking "who am I to start a business? I'm not an expert". Despite the fact that I had done my coaching training, that I'd had plenty of practice clients, and I was 100% ready to do the work. But those negative voices in my head kept knocking my confidence.
I've had to work really hard on my mindset since I made my career change, such as changing the way I talk to myself (those pesky little 'negative inner voices'), continuing to get support from a coach, keeping a journal, modelling confident behaviour from others etc etc. There are plenty of little mindset tools and strategies that have really worked for me, and that's why I include them in my coaching programme.
Often we can focus too much on the nuts and bolts of making a career change, such as trawling jobs boards, or fretting about making our website look perfect. But if your mindset is holding you back then your transition is going to be much harder than it needs to be.
I believe that a healthy mindset and career happiness go together.
Like strawberries and cream.
If you read about any of my clients, they will say the same, that they had to overcome at least some aspects of fear, low confidence, self-doubt, perfectionism or procrastination. And I have definitely experienced them all too. They still come up from time to time (to be honest they never 100% go away), but now I know how to deal with them and they affect me much less.
My coaching sessions contain lots of practical strategies for identifying new career paths or business ideas and creating an action plan for your transition, but what my clients often tell me is that the most powerful sessions are the ones where we deal with mindset. This is what gives them a solid foundation to build on when searching for their ideal career and being able to dream bigger than they ever allowed themselves to before!
Are you finally ready to tame those negative voices and make your dream career a reality this year? Then learn more here about my coaching programmes and book yourself in for an introductory 45min coaching session for just £97.
Speak to you soon,