Know you need to get to grips with your marketing, but don't know where to start or how to find the time? Branding and marketing expert Karen Campbell is here to share some of her top tips and her free marketing essentials checklist.
Starting your own business can be a daunting task and the big issue that a lot of business owners face is how to shout about their amazing product or service.
The prospect of marketing can be scary, filled with alien buzzwords or phrases but always remember, it is common sense.
All you need to do is put yourself in the mind of your end consumer and ask - how would you like to get to known about your brand?
Good marketing always starts with knowing your end user so really spend time researching and learning who your target market is and remember, even if it's only one per cent of the population, that's fine. Get to know them and engage in the only way you can.
You can download Karen's free marketing essentials checklist here, and to find out more visit or drop her a line at