When I was starting my coaching business, the one thing I didn’t see coming was (occasionally) having to deal with other people who didn’t ‘get’ or support what I was doing.
As I started to tell more people what I was planning and building, I found that there were some mixed reactions, especially as coaching is a very new concept to some.
And my niche, which is to help people find a new meaningful career or start a purpose driven business, means that I’m often talking about change, and tackling fear, and potentially steering a new path away from the ‘norm’ of the 9 to 5 office job and towards working for yourself.
I try to help people create a vision of what’s possible in their lives, but this can be interpreted by some as being unrealistic, or a bit crazy, or too big a leap.
Maybe you have had similar comments from friends or family, when you talk about the changes you dream of making, which then leave you feeling deflated, or doubtful, or worried about rocking the boat.
So if this happens, it’s key to keep circling back to yourself, and trusting your instincts. Because you’re the only one who knows what you really want and what you’re capable of.
Everyone else is looking at life through their own lens, which has been influenced by their beliefs and their life experiences. They will see what’s possible based on what they were taught, but that has nothing to do with you and your own journey.
There will be people along the way who don’t get it but that’s totally ok. They don’t have your vision or determination, so don’t let them put restrictions on you.
You’ll have enough on your plate dealing with your own doubts and fears, which everyone has, so don’t take on theirs too. Just keep persevering and follow your own vision.
And be prepared to do things your way too. Yes you can learn valuable systems and structures to get your business up and running, and that’s what I teach in my career coaching programme but once you’re on your way then you can also tweak and adjust to create a bespoke business which is based around your own particular strengths, values and sense of purpose.
So if you hear that you’re doing it ‘wrong’ or getting unsolicited advice from well meaning friends or relatives who don’t actually know much about your chosen business niche, then you can thank them but you don’t have to take on their opinions or their doubt.
There is no one set way to do business. Just continue to do things your way and trust your big vision for how you want your life and career to be.
I’ll talk to you soon
Juliette xx
p.s got a dream of working for yourself but still have niggling doubts about whether to take the leap? Then learn more about my coaching programmes here and book yourself in for an introductory 45min coaching session for just £97