The best gift you can give yourself

Hey there, I hope your Christmas was filled with fun, family, food and festive gifts!

With New Year around the corner, I’ve been reflecting on how things have changed this year. Starting the business has been a lot of fun and also a lot of work, and it has been hard sometimes to switch off.

I was scared that if I stopped working, my business would suffer.

However leaving my 9 to 5 to start a business was all about being able to live more authentically, and create more balance. So if I carried all the stress of my old life into my new one, what kind of example would that be setting for my clients? How could I coach people on creating a freedom-based business, if I then tied myself to my desk day and night?

So I gave myself the gift of time this Christmas

I’ve cut right back on social media. And checking emails. And writing newsletters (apart from this one!), and focused on seeing family, friends, and just being. 

Running your business should feel good. 

When you show up with enthusiasm, energy and genuine love for what you do, then your clients and potential clients will feel that instantly. But if you show up burned out, exhausted and resentful, they will feel that too.

Being your own boss means that you get to choose how and when you work. 

If you need a rest, then rest. And when you feel that fire in your belly again, then go for it! 

Wishing you a wonderful festive period,

Juliette xx

p.s If you’ve decided that this is the year you want to make some changes then my career coaching sessions could be for you. Click here to find out more